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1.  AET Journey
This document outlines the journey you will take beginning with your first course and continues through your last course and your capstone work.
2.  Portfolio Resources 
Your professional portfolio is a comprehensive collection of resources created by you that is an expression of your work and life experiencess, your experiences and growth in the AET program, and your future plans. The resouces on this page provide guidance to you as you design your portfolio.
3.  GS-6 Narrated PowerPoint
The GS-6 is a form that indicates your Program of Study for your degree. It is required by the Graduate School and needs
to be filled out before the end of your third semester of coursework. Watch the video for important details.
4.  Helpful CSU Websites
Click here for CSU websites that will be useful to you during your time in the AET program. 
5. AET Professional Organizations and Resources

Click here for links to professional organizations and other professional resources related to AET.

6. AET Newsletters 

We send out newsletters each semester that include information about faculty and student achievements, successes, and awards, updates about the AET program, and other interesting topics. Click the button to view

past newsletters.

7. EDAE 682 Cultural Applications of Lifelong Learning

   This website gives information about our new Study Abroad class to Belize. There is information about the trip,                how to apply, what you will learn and do while you're there, and lots of pictures to show you what it looks like.

8. EDAE 692 Seminar: Adult Education-Experiential Learning

This experiential learning course is an elective you can choose for your AET degree. It is held at CSU's Pingree Park every summer.  Please click here for more information.


Adult Education and Training Colorado State University


M.Ed. Education & Human Resource Studies 

Adult Education & Training


209 Education Building

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523-1588

(970) 491-6499



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