EDAE 692-Seminar: Adult Education-Experiential Learning
This seminar is held every summer at CSU's Pingree Park campus. The seminar is based on the premise that integrating experiential learning into adult education will increase learning transfer for adult learners. During the seminar, students will discuss the tenets of Experiential Learning, explore metaphoric framing and how to frame activities, and examine how to scaffold learning activities to maximize learning transfer.
Students will also participate in the Art of Facilitation (ice breakers, name games, problem solving initiatives, low ropes course, and high ropes course activities), practice processing the learning experience with adult learners, and explore strategies to help the learner transfer experiences in the learning environment into real world applications.
This course can be used as an elective for the AET M. Ed. degree. There is an additional cost for room and board, please contact Dr. Karen Kaminski for details about this (karen.kaminski@colostate.edu).